Hi, I have been in London the past 2 days :-) I really enjoyed visiting the Tate Modern, I saw Ai Wei Wei's seeds(shown above). The floor of the Turbine Hall is covered in a sea of hand painted porcelain sunflower seeds. I had heard a lot about this exhibition before I saw it, the seeds are a political statement about the nature of communism in China. It is incredible the sheer number of little seeds on the floor, each one unique.
On the trip to London I also went to an exhibition called 'High Society' it was about the history of drug use and art that has been produced by people whilst intoxicated. I find this link between drugs and creativity very interesting. I particularly liked Keith Coventry's photograph above, it addresses the dark side of urban living . Also I visited the Victoria and Albert Museam where there was an exhibition called 'Shadow Catchers' this explored the technique of creating photographs without using cameras.I was particularly drawn to Pierre Cordiers chemigrams(shown above)I found them calming and hypnotic, I would love one on my bedroom wall :)